Era of Cheon Won Gung and Our Faith Centering on True Parents (Sept. 26th)

Dear Family,

We would like to invite you to join us in welcoming Dr. Jin Choon Kim and Rev. Dong Mo Shin for a special program on 'Era of Cheon Won Gung and Our Faith Centering on True Parents.' 

These two representatives were directly invited to the USA by True Mother to share their content with our American family. 

Let's welcome them with the heart of receiving True Mother's message for this time. 

Our program will take place on September 26th from 5PM - 9PM at the DFW Family Church.
No meals will be served, but refreshments will be available. 

To register, please fill out the information below.

We will not be providing lodging for this event. If you need help to find a hotel or have any questions, please contact Izak Hernandez at [email protected]

Thank you,

Rev. Dr. John Jackson 

Senior Pastor of FFWPU South

DFW Family Church
1710 W Airport Fwy
Irving, TX 75062

Registration Deadline: September 25th


If you'd like to pay by cash or check in-person, use the coupon code, CASH for individual registration, CASHCOUPLE for couple registration, or CASHFAMILY for family registration, and we will collect your payment when you arrive. 

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