Family Symposium - Why Family Matters

Blessing In Family "Before & After Marriage"

Saturday, Dec 12, 2020 

2:00 PM to 6:00PM

Symposium Program

Senator Donzela James
Government, Church, Family and Community

Pastor Levi
Looking for Love in all the wrong places and the suffering of loneliness

Rev. Dexter Kilgore
Why Family Matters, the Young Ambassadors of Peace

Dr. Chung Shik Yong
Why does God Wants to live in the Family

Rev. Laury Hargrett
Why we marry and the Value of a Blessed Marriage 

Pastor Mark Abernathy 
The Impact on Children when Parents Divorce and Single Teenage Pregnancy in the Church 

Pastor Levi
Church Growth through Family Empowerment and Why the Holy blessing and Churches are Important

Registration for Symposium

  • ($5 per person)

  • ($10 per person. Refreshments served.)


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