Hyojeong Won Pre-order Form

Hyojeong Won: The House of Absolute Good Spirits

We have a wonderful opportunity to pre-order a Hyojeong Won, the House of Absolute Good Spirits, and receive it during the HJ Cheonbo event in New York.

If you have Blessed any set of generations, you can purchase a special house for your ancestors for $3,000. This precious house cannot be shipped to you, it must be received in a ceremony during a HJ Cheonbo special workshop. The bequeathing ceremony will take place on Oct. 5.

Payment for the Hyojeong Won can be made by check payable to HSA-UWC or cash. Checks must be separate than those written for the ancestors liberation and blessing fees.

If sent separately, mail Hyojeong Won payments to:

Family Federation USA
c/o Tal Zorer
481 8th Ave., Box A-12
New York, NY 10001

Checks for Hyojeong Won can be sent together with your other forms, but please mark them clearly for the Hyojeong Won.

Couple who is ordering the Hyojeong Won:

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