Marriage Works Series Registration Form

The BFM Canada is very happy to present The Marriage Works Series with Debby Gullery.

The first semester of The Marriage Works Series covered the topic of Communication. Video recordings are available upon request. The second semester, which will start in earnest on September 14th, will cover the 4 “F” Words in Marriage. And the third semester, which will be the last one and will start sometime in November, will cover Marriage as a Spiritual Practice.

Our marriages are the backbones of our families, so it makes sense for us to keep the backbones strong and healthy. Not only that, but once we marry, most of our important spiritual and emotional growth happens within our marriage relationships.

Even True Father has said that maturing in true love is impossible without a partner. So why not embrace the opportunities for growth by joining the next semester of the Marriage Works Series? We will be covering the “F” words in marriage: faith, fun, friendship, forgiveness, and fidelity all areas that are essential for marital growth and happiness.

Take some time to invest in your marriage and join us this Wednesday. Remember, there is always more to learn about loving!

To watch a sample video from the program, click here

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