This is the official individual registration for Peace Cup 2024, January 5-7


As a family friendly event, we ask that all the participants and attendees refrain from certain behaviors that reduce the quality and experience of everyone involved. Our code that we ask you to agree to abide by while you are at Peace Cup LA is as follows:


All persons must be registered for the event according to their participation level. Not being properly registered will result in being asked to leave the event. Registration is defined as:

Payment for sports, cultural, spectator and/or accommodation arrangements
All sections of registration forms MUST be filled out
This Code of Conduct must be signed and dated
Registration bands must be worn around the wrist throughout the duration of the event
Participation or observation of cultural events is reserved for participants aged 16 and above. Participation in sports events is reserved for participants aged 16 and above, exceptions are up to the team captain's discretion.


No possession, use or distribution of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products or substances considered illegal by the US Federal Government will be allowed.

1. No possession, use or distribution of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products or substances considered illegal by the US Federal Government will be allowed.

2. With substantiated claims, the Peace Cup LA staff reserves the right to search the possessions of any individuals suspected of any of these actions.

3. With substantiated claims, the Peace Cup LA staff reserves the right to outsource search methods, including but not limited to bringing a detection dog on campus.

4. Any behavior associated with being under the influence of any of these listed above, will results in Peace Cup LA Core staff taking any of the following actions at their discretion:

Expulsion from the event:
Forfeiture of any admission fees and immediate disqualification from any event
Parent(s) and/or immediate supervisor(s) will be informed and individuals(s) will be asked not to return for a period of (2) years


The following behavior is deemed inappropriate and may results in being asked to leave AND/OR forfeiture of any admission fees AND/OR disqualification of any event for the following reasons:

Excessive noise after evening closing and before the first morning event
Any behavior which causes excessive physical or mental discomfort to fellow participants
Any verbal abuse or disrespectful language
Inappropriate attire
Tampering with Peace Cup LA equipment and/or disrupting any event, presentation or show


Anyone under the age of 18 may NOT attend unless there is an adult guardian on-site of 25 years and older, who is LEGALLY responsible for their well-being and behavior.
Both the minor and on-site guardian must sign a form of agreement before registration
Although this code applies to anyone who is on campus, we ask that anyone who is present at the event either on campus or not on campus respect and follow this code throughout the course of the event.


A signed Liability Release Form by event participant or parent/guardian will be required upon arrival of the event. An online submission option will be sent out two weeks in advance of the event itself. A link for the release form can be seen here:


  • January 5 | 4 PM @ LA Galaxy Park

  • January 7 | 9:30 AM @ CSULA Eagles Nest Gym

  • January 6 | 10 AM @ Los Angeles Family Church

  • (Can only choose one "Gaming" option)
    January 6 | 5 PM @ Los Angeles Family Church

  • (Can only choose one "Gaming" option)
    January 6 | 5 PM @ Los Angeles Family Church

  • (Can only choose one "Gaming" option)
    January 6 | 5 PM @ Los Angeles Family Church

*** Team Registration will be sent out by each specific Sport / Event Coordinator based on your selection above


RegFox Event Registration Software